All Latest Health News

  • A Welcome Change: Mental Health Issues Lose Their Stigma at Every Age May 16, 2024

    From unmentionable to oft discussed, American attitudes toward mental health have made a seismic shift over the years. It’s heartening to see recent polls showing 87% of U.S. adults agree having a mental health disorder is nothing to be ashamed of, and 86% saying people with mental health disorders can get better. Seeking help from ...

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  • Mental Health in Children May 16, 2024

    Age of Innocence – Or Anxiety for Today’s Kids?

    From loud claps of thunder to dogs that can bite, a child’s world is filled with new, sometimes scary experiences. However, if fears can’t be managed with reassurance or distraction and persistently interfere with daily activities, your child may have an anxiety disorder. These most common childhood ...

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  • Mental Health in Adolescent & Young Adults May 16, 2024

    Drugs, Drinking & Depression: The Kids May Not Be Alright

    Every generation has seen their share of thrill-seeking teens acting out and making dubious choices regarding drugs and alcohol. “There’s a normative aspect to risk taking at this age,” assures clinical psychologist Gilly Kahn. “It’s hardwired into our systems to allow us to learn our place ...

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  • Teens & Social Media May 16, 2024

    In Real Life (IRL), Can We Protect Teens from the Emotional Impact of Social Media?

    YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, X, Reddit, BeReal. A majority of American teens visit these social media platforms at least once daily, and 30% say they are on them almost constantly. Their ubiquity is unquestionable, and teens’ ...

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  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s: Updates from a Leading Geriatrician October 6, 2022

    Senior Moments Or Something More?

    As Baby Boomers continue the inexorable journey deep into their senior years, preserving cognitive function understandably tops the list of worries. While Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias are seen in just 5% of people over 65, that number jumps to 30% for people age 85 and over. Questions abound: is ...

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  • Nourish Body, Brain and Heart with the MIND Diet October 6, 2022

    Mindful Eating for Your Brain

    Harkening back to ancient civilizations, the concept of food as medicine represents one of today’s most cutting-edge approaches to prevention and disease management. Inspired by the intricate connection of mind and body wellness, a small, special group of diets have made their way into the mainstream offering benefits far beyond short-term ...

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  • In a Pickle and Looking for a New Summer Activity? July 8, 2022

    Try Pickleball, the Country’s Fastest-Growing Sport

    Tired of the same ‘ole routine every summer but find yourself in a pickle and looking for a new summer activity? Well, according to American Council on Exercise (ACE), you might want to consider pickleball.

    As everyone from your next-door neighbor to ACE will attest, pickleball is extraordinarily ...

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  • Tips for Safe Summer Fun July 8, 2022

    Stay Safe with Sunscreen, Sunglasses and Plenty of Water

    The longer, sunshine filled days of summer are upon us and without a doubt, they are one of life’s unrivaled joys, especially when you protect yourself from the powerful impact of ultraviolet rays. With that in mind, we share our tips for safe summer fun; ...

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  • Summer Fruits and Veggies July 8, 2022

    Picking the Season’s Prime Produce

    A seasonal bounty of fruits and vegetables is in bloom everywhere from your grocery’s fresh foods section to local farmers’ markets, and in your own backyard garden. The following is advice from experts on how to purchase summer fruits and veggies at its peak, and store them safely, until ...

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  • Pandemic Stress Likely Compounded by Seasonal Affective Disorder January 11, 2022

    Coping With Sad This Winter

    As we continue to weather the storm of COVID-19, seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is once again on our radar. More subtle than an arctic blast, SAD is just as real, with just as much potential to have a chilling effect on our mood, productivity and wellness. Similar ...

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